Annual Friends of the Museum
Become a Friend of the Museum today! Contributions go towards SCMM’s operating budget, events and programs.
Friends Benefits:
- Museum car decal
- Listing on the SCMM website
- Early email notice of special events
- Discounted admission to museum events (e.g., The Burning of the Socks and History for Lunch)
- Invitation to exclusive events
- 15% discount in Museum gift shop
- $25 discount and priority registration for Summer Youth Sailing Camp. Single Membership = 1 camper discount / Dual membership = 2 camper discounts / Family & Business Memberships = all children or grandchildren discounts
- 10% discount on museum rental space for Family Members. 20% discount on museum rental space for Business Members
- Business members will be listed on the SCMM website with their logo and a link to their website
- Family and Business Members will receive “CAMM Reciprocal Admissions” cards entitling free admission at other CAMM member museums. Visit the Council of American Maritime Museum (CAMM) member directory.