These substantial gifts will be used for mortgage debt reductions, exhibits and procurement of historic maritime items. After these capital investments are made, excess monies will be put into an endowment fund for ongoing improvements, expansions and procurements. With a minimum gift of $1,000.00, donors will be recognized appropriately in and by the Museum.

Gifts can be made in several ways as follows:

  • Cash contributions
  • Transferring of stock or mutual funds
  • Pledging of funds over a time period
  • Real estate transfers
  • Recognizing the Museum in one’s will
  • Obtaining matching gifts from employers
  • Charitable gift annuities

Since HHA has been a recognized 501(c)(3) for twenty years, all contributions are tax advantaged.

To find out more or to make a gift to the museum, please contact 843-520-0111 or